One of the best ways to minimize your chances of getting a ticket is to have all your documents available in the event you get pulled over. Those documents are:
- your driver's license
- the registration to the car you are driving
- your insurance
Drivers who are pulled over are always asked for those three documents. Always. If a driver does not present those documents to an officer asking for them the driver can receive a ticket called, "Failure to Show. . ." I've represented many clients who say, "But I did have my license/registration/insurance on me, it just took some time to find it." That is a violation of "Failure to Show . . ." The idea is that it is dangerous for an officer to be around your vehicle during a stop and you are responsible for having those documents handy.
What to do: very simply have those documents handy at all times. I keep my license and registration in my wallet and the insurance in the glove compartment (or hoagie holder as we call it in my family). Make a habit of always having those documents handy.
Drive Safely.